Sunday, April 22, 2012

garden update part one

My blog seems unwilling to add more than three photos to a post so this shall have to be part one!

The garden has been progressing well and now the vegetables are all in raised beds. I am attempting to implement a crop rotation system to some success but when there's a space sometimes things just beg to be planted.

This is the labourer (aka husband) installing a pipe support over this bed so I can put a cover over as it is underneath the jacaranda tree and the camellia tree and when they let loose, anything in the bed can be smothered. I'll just pick up an old net curtain at the op shop to go over.

And in that bed we have from left to right... lettuce, garlic, onions, beetroot, carrot and parsnips. The garlic was the last of the Australian garlic at the local fruit market, with warning that it was sprouting... which made me more inclined to buy it! The beetroot seed I soaked overnight and had a much better germination rate than with the last lot I grew.

This bed is a half size one, as there are some steps next to it... I have lettuce at the right hand side, and the rest was asian greens although a pumpkin seems to have decided to join... we have eaten and given away so much bok choy and mizuna... I don't think I'll try the asian cabbage again, it just seems to go straight to seed?

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