Monday, August 11, 2008

Growing Challenge Update - I'm eating it!

Well, it's been time for an update from the garden for a while, so you're getting one.

It's going so well, I'm running out of space. In the photo below you can see the broad beans at the front which are flowering now. Behind them are the onions which are being overrun by self sown tomatoes. I'm going to pot some up to give away this weekend, and relocate some others. Garlic at the back left and Brocoletti at back right, and lettuce and self sown coriander everywhere.

This photo shows the main patch of lettuce, with kohl rabi growing in amongst it. To the left the snow pease are growing up the trellis. Right at the front is curly endive, not quite big enough to eat. I have some small flowering plants along the front to bring the birds, and just because they're pretty

Finally the newest bed, potatoes. I just layered wet cardboard, pea straw, dynamic lifter and straw with the seed potatoes put straight on the wet cardboard and the rest over the top of them. Inspired by Peter Cundall, I hope it crops like his did. (on Patch from Scratch)

I need to get my spring veges started, but currently don't have space. Big dilemma. I am going to try and get a chicken tractor upa nd going within the next two weeks, to start creating some more garden space, let them do the digging for me.

I also found a source of free clean wood shavings. Guess what's going in the chook yard tomorrow morning!

The gardening challenge is a challenge put out by Melinda at 1 Green Generation, challenging us to grow at least one new vegetable from seed and keep regular updates.


Kristi said...

I'm going to look up this method of growing potatoes. It sounds so easy. Maybe you could let us know how well this works for you.

han_ysic said...

Kristi, I will let you know. It worked well for Peter Cundell, so hoping it does for me too!